Wednesday, May 20, 2009
May 20, 2009
"Way to go" to those students who participated in the Hershey Track and Field Event recently held at the H.S. stadium-heard great things about you! We'll complete our 4th Marking Pd. with some more Volleyball action and some "Kid's Choice" activities for end of the year fun and finish our discussion of the "Principal's Muscles." Let's have some extra fun together while we finish up with a request or two for our Fitness Friday Activity! I'd like to send lots of "Best Wishes" to our 6th Graders for great success in the future! Good Sports always go far in the game of life! We'll miss you in our Elementary School. For everyone, your homework assignment is to "Keep Exercising" and have a "Happy and Safe Summer!" Sincerely, Miss Brill