Thursday, October 22, 2009
October 23, 2009
Hi Good Sports! Please wear your sneakers and tie your shoelaces very well because I'm inviting you to take my fitness challenge in this week's activities in P.E. Class. Will you be able to escape from and avoid the "spiders" hanging around in the gym? It's time for our Obstacle Course, including some good music to help keep us motivated and allow us to dance a little while waiting for our turn.( We may even include a "polka" in honor of our Anthracite Heritage). We will continue our "Mr. Bones" activity to reinforce knowledge of the skeletal system, as well. Are you ready for this fun fitness challenge? I will provide any adaptations as needed for our classes this coming week. Also, remember to thank our Firefighters for all they do to help us and keep us safe. We will be wrapping up our "10 Point" Class Contest for best cooperative efforts for the first marking period. Class Winners will be announced in the near future, as well as your reward!I'll look for you to participate in Walking Clubs and for everyone to get into the action on Fitness Friday! See you soon! P.S. Way to go, Phillies!!!!!