Thursday, December 10, 2009
Friday, December 11th to Friday, December 18th, 2009
We will begin our fitness tests for upper body strength for some classes as we are able during this 6-day cycle. Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade will perform the "Seal Crawl" while 3rd through 6th grade will perform the "Isometric Push-up." Practice your regular push-ups to help you get ready. Adaptations can be made as needed. We will have flexible gym classes as needed for gym usage and any special events. Please wear your sneakers and get ready for some Wintertime favorites and Holiday-related activities activities in P.E. Class! Many skills will be covered during this time. We'll be Rockin' with Rudolph and working out to the tune, " The Twelve Days of Gym Class," for some great fitness fun! I'll look for your super participation in Walking Clubs and Fitness Friday! We won't be " stuck in any ruts" this Winter- all our Good Sports will team-up with best exercise efforts to reach healthy goals and stay in good shape! See you soon in gym class!