Sunday, March 21, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010 to Monday, March 29, 2010, Inclusive
We have been completing our physical fitness testing and re-testing for the 3rd marking period. At the beginning of the 4th marking period, we will begin "sit-ups," which will determine our abdominal strength and endurance. Practice some sit-ups at home on a safe, comfortable surface so you are ready for your test. Students in 1st through 6th grade are timed for a minute and Kindergarten for half a minute. Modifications to this test will be made as needed. During this cycle, we will be "setting up" for some Volleyball and other fun net games. As always, we will learn about "real-life" skills in P.E. class as well as many physical skills. Let's always go for healthy goals and exercise everyday and participate with me in Walking Clubs and Fitness Friday. I'll always check in with you to see how you've been working out! Good Sports know how to work-out well together and "set-up" for good health! See you soon!