Monday, September 3, 2012


  Dear Students/Parents,  Our first week in P.E. Class went pretty well.   We discussed our rules and realized together the type of positive and fun gym environment we would like to be  a part of this school year, as always.  We participated in our first Fitness Friday to kick off our school year, remembering our many Spartan Teams and their fans, as well as our great "gym teams."  Working out together is a fun and healthy way to start our Friday schedule.  It has been proven that  physical activity boosts academic performance, so we're reaching out for many great goals!  I have and will be incorporating some Walking Clubs during some recess times, when my schedule allows.  We call it a "Walkie-Talkie" and have had great conversations so far, while also getting a nice exercise work-out.    We will soon be starting our first physical fitness for speed and agility.  We have and will be involved in special tag games, which I know will get our students ready for this test.  There is a benefit to tag games:  they are always great exercise; develop running/ or other locomotor skills as directed; develop dodging and proper tagging skills, body control and game and safety rules.  Tag games also develop  Honesty and Good Sportsmanship.  We will always make adaptations for any games tests, re-tests and adapt for any part of P.E. Class as needed.  Students, please wear your sneakers and bring lots of smiles to your next gym class.  Leader Squad, Please share a good joke at line-up time.  It's a nice, fun way to finish our class together.  Looking forward to seeing you soon!       Sincerely, Miss Brill