Hi Good Sports!
We will be finishing up our running tests and re-tests , if needed. A second grade class is performing a "Seal Crawl" test during this marking period and also during the 3rd marking period. We are pioneering and participating in an SLO (student learning objective), in which we are testing for improvements in upper body strength. Let's go for those great goals!
We're " on a roll" in P.E. class with some great Cageball fun, promoting team effort and cooperation, throwing skills, with students evaluating their personal accuracy, and with all students following game and safety rules.
Our youngest students will participate, as time allows, in a " Spiders " movement activity incorporating the crab walk or modified movement, as they travel along a special pathway with music and instructional background, thus sharpening their listening skills with modeling by me. We will always provide adaptations for any activity as needed.
If time, some classes may be able to participate in a game using a "buddy" system promoting helpfulness and cooperative efforts.
We will expand our skeletal vocabulary and promote reading via our " Mr. Bones " activity, a fun activity reinforcing learning about the skeletal system.
We have a Pep Rally on Friday, so please exercise with me during our Fitness activity so we get the excitement going and encourage others to go for healthy goals, too! See you soon! Sincerely, Miss Brill