Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2/5/15 to approx. 2/18/15

Dear Students and families,
     Students, keep practicing to prepare for our Physical Fitness  tests.  As you know, we always have a variety of skills stations which provide practice for those skills which would be incorporated and needed for a particular unit or lesson.  Some stations are just fun for added exercise and self-improvement. 
     During this cycle, we will conclude our Basketball Unit(grades 3-6), with a regular Basketball game with student referees assisting.  Definite rule-no arguing with the Refs.!!! I will adjust the game to suit the needs within any class. Adaptations are always made in our classes.
     Our K-2 students will work on bowling skills again, as well as basket shooting, and we'll integrate these skills into our Super Bowling Basketball activity.  It's super fun!!
     We are crossing our fingers and hoping for good weather for our Jump Rope for Heart on Weds., 2/11/15.  Please remember to wear or bring your sneakers in order to participate. We've been practicing with our jump ropes and jump bands to prepare.  As always, your P.E. teachers will provide a variety of stations for you to get plenty of heart-healthy exercise.  Thank you in advance for your contributions to the American Heart Association.  Our Community is so kind and generous to these worthy causes.
     Keep exercising with me on Fitness Friday and any other time our whole school works out together. Go for achieving those heart-healthy goals at home with family and friends, too!  Way to go!  I'll see you soon in our gym!     Sincerely,
                                                                                             Miss Brill