Dear students,
We're trying to continue and finish up our "Air Chair " test(1-6). Please prepare for our next physical fitness test: "Sit-ups", Grades 1-6 for 1 min.;K for 30 secs. I will make modifications as necessary, as always, for anything and everything.
Prior to this cycle, Mr. Hinkel and I enjoyed being a part of the Reading Dept's Program with a Sports theme. We had fun in the gym working our students and their families.
During the first part of this cycle, we participated in our "Kid's Choice" activities. I know you enjoy voting for your favorite game or activity we've played, once every marking period. I started this practice many years ago and it's fun to see you be happy with your choices, while also choosing to do your best in all of our P.E. classes.
During the 2nd part of this cycle, our "10 pt." Contest Winners were announced, for classes showing consistent best behaviors , cooperation, and participation during the 3rd Mk. pd.. Those students are being rewarded with treats for their achievements. Way to go!
Our 3rd through 6th graders will " stick around" for some floor hockey fun, while our younger students will leap into action with cooperative games and lummi stick fun!
All students will consistently learn about teamwork and how that yields positive results.
Please continue to participate with me on Fitness Friday and exercise outside of school with family and friends. See you soon, Good Sports!
Miss Brill