Monday, August 27, 2012

8/27/12   Hi Good Sports!  WELCOME BACK!!  Can't wait to hear how you've been keeping active this summer. 
As you know, fitness and fun will always be our theme in P.E. class as well as practicing, fine tuning, and improving many physical skills, while, as always, providing adaptations as needed.  We also practice real-life skills; such as, Good Sportsmanship, Leadership, Responsibility, Respectfulness with Positive Interactions and Cooperative Efforts with Evaluations while we learn and work toward good goals.  Just as we have many Spartan teams, we are all part of a great team in P.E. class.  So let's be supportive, kind, and encourage our gym teammates so we can all have a super year together. GO TEAM !!! Please remember to wear your sneakers and bring those great smiles, too!   I look forward to sharing a variety of activities and lots of fun with you through-out this school year.See you soon!   Sincerely,  Miss Brill