Tuesday, November 11, 2014

11/6/14 to 12/3/14, Inclusive

Dear Students,
     We will continue our jumping test for leg strength and continue our Circuit Training Challenge promoting physical fitness.  Our K-2 students will continue to enjoy some locomotor fun and rhythms and evaluation of these skills.
     We will all be "kickin' it up" for Soccer skills practice and apply these skills in in great games with friendly competition.  Pass the words: "Good Sports are always winners when they do their best while working together. We will always provide adaptations as needed in every P.E. Class.
     As able, we will include Thanksgiving-related activities for added fun.  Our youngest students will "Dance with the Stars" and perform a Turkey-Tango style dance!  Students will be discussing and possibly writing what they are thankful for.  I am thankful for "Good Sports!"
     During P.E. Class in one of our cycles, we will be involved in the "Bowl for Kid's Sake" fund-raiser for Big Brothers and Big Sisters.  This program at N.S. benefits students at NSE who have a Big Brother/Big Sister from the H.S., who take the time to have important "special time" and our students enrolled greatly benefit from this interaction in a positive environment.
     Keep exercising with me on Fitness Friday and remember to exercise over the Holiday Break!  Go Good Sports!    Go Spartans!!!  "Happy Thanksgiving" to everyone!       Sincerely,    Miss Brill

Monday, November 3, 2014

10/30/14 to 11/5/14

Dear Students,
     We will begin/continue our fitness test for leg strength by performing the "Standing Broad Jump."  We are always trying  to improve upon previous scores and do our best!  We will practice at various skills stations while I do testing.  As always, adaptations are made for any activity as needed in P.E. class.
     During a few cycles or so, we will be building our Gym Turkey with "Class Feathers" representing great efforts and awesome participation by all in a Circuit Training Challenge!  We always like to motivate students and promote physical fitness with variety!
     K-2 will practice and perform locomotor skills and fun rhythms.  Grades 3-6 will enjoy some relay action incorporating locomotor skills.
     Our 10 point contest, " A 10 Wins in Gym," winners were announced and will receive their treats in their next gym class.  Those "classes" who received  "10's" in every gym class during the 1st Mk.Pd. demonstrated best "class" behaviors, cooperation and participation.  Individual efforts are reflected on our report card.
     Remember to exercise with me on Fitness Friday and always do your best at school.
                                                     KEEP EXERCISING!!!!    Sincerely,  Miss Brill

Thursday, October 16, 2014

10/16/14 to 10/29/14

Hi Good Sports!
     Wear your sneakers and smiles and get ready for Kid's Choice Activities.  We have many activities to choose from, plus a few bonus or theme-related activities.  Our Good Sports will exercise the voting process to decide on our choices.  We will continue learning about the skeletal system  via our "Mr. Bones" activity. Let's hope we also exercise our funny bone with a good joke or riddle.  Those students in the Leader Squad  can  look up some jokes in a book, remember them, or write them down to share with our class and myself at line-up time.  It's proven that laughing reduces stress-Whew!!
     Our next physical fitness test will be the "Standing Broad Jump" for all ages to test for leg strength.  Our skills stations will be in place while I am testing.  Adaptations are made through-out all phases of P.E.Class.
     We will have discussions and information posted to read about Red Ribbon Week and our school will participate in daily activities to support this Campaign against drugs.  We are all part of a winning team in gym class and NSE: making good choices, setting goals and participating in positive , healthy activities.  Students-exercise your ability to be wise and say "no" to drugs.
     Please exercise with me on Fitness Friday and as often as you can everywhere.  Always do your best and keep exercising.  So proud of our NS good sports!  Go TEAM!!! See you in gym class!
                                                                                           Miss Brill

Thursday, October 9, 2014

10/8/14 to 10/15/14

Dear Students,
     I'm inviting all Good Sports to take my fitness challenge during this cycle, so get ready for our Obstacle Course in P.E. Class!  You can earn a certificate by avoiding the " spiders " that are hanging around and scattered through-out the course. There are many components of exercise included in our fun fitness challenge.  We'll enjoy music CD's to dance to while we wait for our turn and this music will keep us motivated to keep going.  We will always make adaptations for any students needing them.  I'll also be looking for some neat creative moves, as well!
     We'll continue our " Mr. Bones " activity for educational fun while reinforcing reading and our learning about the Skeletal System.
     Please wear your sneakers and bring your smiles along!  I'll see you soon in P.E. Class!  Keep exercising with me and outside of school, too!!!!       Sincerely,    Miss Brill

Thursday, October 2, 2014

10/1/14 to 10/7/14

Hi Good Sports!
     We will be finishing up our running tests and re-tests , if needed.  A second grade class is performing a "Seal Crawl" test during this marking period and also during the 3rd marking period.  We are pioneering and participating in an SLO (student learning objective), in which we are testing for improvements in upper body strength. Let's go for those great goals!
     We're " on a roll" in P.E. class with some great Cageball fun, promoting team effort and cooperation, throwing skills, with students evaluating their personal accuracy, and with all students following game and safety rules.
     Our youngest students will participate, as time allows, in a " Spiders " movement activity incorporating the crab walk or modified movement, as they travel along a special pathway with music and instructional background, thus sharpening their listening skills with modeling by me.  We will always provide adaptations for any activity as needed.
     If time, some classes may be able to participate in a game using a "buddy" system promoting helpfulness and cooperative efforts.
     We will expand our skeletal vocabulary and promote reading via our " Mr. Bones " activity, a fun activity reinforcing learning about the skeletal system.
     We have a Pep Rally on Friday, so please exercise with me during our Fitness activity so we get the excitement going and encourage others to go for healthy goals, too!  See you soon!   Sincerely,  Miss Brill

Thursday, September 18, 2014

9/17/14 to 9/30/14, Inclusive

Hi Good  Sports!
     Please wear your sneakers, as we will continue our running test. While I do physical fitness testing, students will be able to practice at various skill stations for self-improvement, good exercise, and taking turns with gym friends.  " Leader Squad" assists as always.  We will always honor Doctor and Parent notes if you are unable to participate in gym fully or with care.  Please keep me informed so we can keep you safe and make necessary adaptations at any time.
     Through-out the year, we will include a variety of vocabulary words that are relevant to our P.E. lessons, as well as to "real-life" lessons and useful toward positive interactions in the gym.  Our vocabulary word during this Flag Tag unit is , "accurate", as we will be practicing a football throw at targets for K-2 and doing a file relay for passing and receiving for 3-6.  Grades 3-6 will discuss the concepts of offense and defense.
     We will then get ready for some great " Flag Tag" action, where students will have opportunities to evaluate their performance in all age groups and our older students will be able to choose whether they're on offense or defense or both for extra challenges, and fun!
     As always, participate with me on Fitness Friday, if able, to get your day off to a great start!  KEEP EXERCISING!!!  See you soon in P.E. Class, Good Sports!   Sincerely, Miss Brill

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Dear Good Sports and Families,
     Students, Please remember to wear your sneakers, as we have begun our Fitness test for running speed and agility.  Kindergarten students will be doing the  "Dash" and 1st - 6th grade will be doing the " Shuttle Run."  Adaptations will always be made as needed for this and any activity.  We will compare previous results, if able, to check for individual improvements. 
     For our younger students, please practice tying your shoelaces, at home, if your sneakers have shoelaces.  We have found some great "helpers" to assist in that task for those who still need help. 
     We have incorporated our skills stations, where we practice various physical skills; i.e., locomotor lane, basket shots, hula hoops, jump ropes, and so on, where students take turns, are active, as well as evaluate their efforts.
     We have our " 10 Wins in gym" Contest in gear.  It is a "class" contest where our students demonstrate great participation, cooperative efforts, and positive behaviors through-out the marking period.  Those classes receiving all 10's will receive treats from me at report card time.  Individual great efforts are rewarded on report cards.  Way to go!
     Thank you for doing your best when you come to P.E. Class and being Good Sports! 
     This cycle we will be participating in Parachute Activities.  It is a great cooperative activity, where we all work together as a team and it's super fun!!!
     I enjoyed hearing from my classes that they were participating with me in  our Fitness Friday activity, as were many staff members, too.  Of course we follow all Drs. notes. 
     Always encourage others to be active.  Keep yourself and family motivated to exercise for good health.  You're AWESOME!!!!!!!  See you in P.E.Class and keep Exercising!
                                                                                       Miss Brill

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday, 8/25/14 to Monday, 9/8/14, Inclusive

Hi Good Sports and Families. Welcome back! I'll be glad to hear how you've been active this summer.  As always, I'm looking forward to a great school year in P.E. class, so bring your smiles and sneakers. 
     "Fitness and fun" will "always" be our theme in P.E. class, as well as practicing and improving many skills, while always providing adaptations as needed.
     We will discuss our rules, get organized, and work together as a gym team that reaches for healthy goals in a positive environment while reinforcing our P.E. Standards.
     We will continue our "Fitness Friday" activity, when the entire school participates in an exercise activity with me to get their day off to a great start, thus promoting healthy goals.  As we know, regular exercise boosts academic performance!  Way to go!  If scheduling allows, some Walking Clubs will take place.
     During our first 2 cycles, we will participate in special activities and tag games.  Tag games promote great exercise, honesty, and Good Sportsmanship.  Tag Games develop running (or other locomotor skills as directed), dodging and proper tagging skills, body control, game and safety rules, and most of all, tag games are "Fun"!  These activities will prepare us for our 1st physical fitness test for running.  As previously mentioned, adaptations are always made and applied for those that need them. 
     At some point, we will be working on Student Learning Objectives and we'll focus on an upper body strength fitness test for an age group to check  for growth and improvements.
     In P.E. class, we are totally engaged in " real-life" skills demonstrating teamwork, responsibility, good choices, following rules of games and safety rules, and being respectful, Good Sports..  Another application of real-life skills is having a different " Leader Squad" assist in our activities each week.  Thank you for great helpers!  You will be great leaders of the future.
     In the meantime, Keep Exercising, until I see you in your next gym class!  See you soon, 
                                                          Sincerely,   Miss Brill