Sunday, January 4, 2015

12/4/14 to 1/6/15, Inclusive

Hi Good Sports,
     Let's wrap up our gym activities for December and the beginning of the New Year, 2015.  We will finish up our jumping test for leg strength and we will soon begin our fitness test for upper body strength.  K-2 will perform the " Seal Crawl," and 3-6 will perform the " Isometric Push-up."  Students have been directed to practice push-ups to prepare for this test and of course we will provide adaptations for any test of skills any exercise, or activity in P.E. class. 
We are always flexible in our P.E. classes for any music rehearsals, fund-raisers, etc...We were very successful with our Big Brothers/Big Sisters, "Bowl for Kid's Sake" during gym class time.  Our students and their families raised double the amount from last year!  Approx. $2,500 was raised for this wonderful mentoring program at North Schuylkill and in our county.  The three largest prize winners earned their prize before the Holiday Break and everyone else will receive their prizes after the New Year.  Thank you so much, everyone!  You are super!!!!!
     During our December activities, we promoted physical activity with fun, while working on throwing, blocking, team cooperation skills, and Wintertime favorites.  We provided a variety of activity vehicles in which to provide positive interactions and to help our students show their excitement and interest in P.E. class.( Always my personal goal).  I've always told my students that there is an activity for everyone to feel good about for themselves and we can find it!
     Of course, Fitness Friday is an important activity with which to promote physical fitness with the whole school.  I really enjoy hearing how students and their teachers cooperated in this activity with me each week.
     I have asked students to exercise over the Holiday Break with family and friends and let me know how they " worked out" when we return in January.
     Thank you to everyone who remembered me with a Christmas card , home-made pictures, snowflakes, candy canes, and other special gifts.    I hope you all had a great Holiday season and I wish all my students and their families a very Healthy and Happy New Year, 2015!!!!!  All my best to everyone!       Sincerely,     Miss Brill