Tuesday, March 3, 2015

2/26/15 to 3/4/15 or so, depending on the weather

Dear students,
     We'll be continuing our Fitness Testing, as always.  We have some upper body strengths to finish up and then we'll continue onto the "Air Chair" test for leg strength(1-6).
     During this cycle,we're on the go with "TAE-BO" JR, for a great work-out!  Students are learning there are many different avenues in team sports and individual physical activities to choose for themselves.  This particular work-out combines karate, kick-boxing, and a few dance elements.  Each student will be exercising for good health, good hearts, and strong bodies, while doing their personal best- what great goals!  Some students shared with me how they do exercise DVD's and games at home.  Way to go; especially during these cold winter days!  I will always provide adaptations as needed for any and all students with all P.E. activities.
     I'll catch up with everyone on Fitness Friday for an extra work-out for all!
     See you soon in gym class and always be ready for any challenge!   KEEP EXERCISING!!!
                                                                                                                      Miss Brill