Sunday, September 27, 2015

9/15/15 to 9/21/15 and 9/22/15 to 10/5/15, Inclusive

     We participated in Parachute Activities during the 9/15 cycle.  Not only is it a great cooperative activity,  but it's great fun!  Our youngest students enjoyed making a tent and we pretended to be camping out, while students loved bringing marshmallows, hot dogs, hamburgers, etc..., using their great imaginations to add to our fun!  While we made various shapes, did the birthday game with everyone; our older classes particularly enjoyed the "Hole in One"game with " friendly " competition and cooperation with our red and blue teams.  A mandatory rule is for all to say  "Good Game," to complete our activity on a positive note, showing great sportsmanship!  On a personal note, I shared with my classes that my brother was a Paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne division in the Army.  I told my classes I was very proud of him, but I prefer to play with the parachute "on the ground!"  They enjoyed my story and shared some of their own family members' stories and their services in our Military.
     We have been working on our speed and agility with our"Dash and Shuttle Run" tests. As always, adaptations are in place for all activities in P.E. Class.  We continue to practice many physical skills at our stations while do testing.  K-2 students, please practice tying shoelaces.  I am grateful for our great helpers who assist me in gym class with tying shoes!
     During the next 2 cycles, we will finish our running tests and re-test those with an"N" who may want to improve their scores.Way to go for effort!!!
     We include vocabulary in our P.E. lessons.  Our vocabulary word during these cycles is "accurate," while doing a file relay for passing and receiving for 3-6, and a football throw at targets for K-2.  Accuracy is important in being successful across the board.  All students will enjoy "Flag Tag" activities.  All students will have opportunities to evaluate their performance by returning feedback to me.  Our 3-6 students will practice and understand the concepts of offense and defense for extra challenges and fun!  We may include some CD fun with our K-2 students, as well as,on Friday include a Fitness Friday activity during class.  Do a great job on October 2nd with our Pep Rally.  The ENERGY is on- Go SPARTANS!!!  Keep exercising! See you soon!
                                                                                                                      Miss Brill